1) The Church name
2) Baptism with the Holy Spirit.
3) Water Baptism
4) Passover
5. The Lord’s Supper
6) Foot Washing
7) Tithing
8) Is Jesus God ?
9) The Seventh Day Sabbath
10) Relationship of the Believer to the Church
11) Christian Entertainment
12) Clean and Unclean Flesh foods
13) The second coming of Christ
14) Head covering for women in the Church
15) Should Christians cremate their dead ?
16) The Role of the Woman in the Church of God
17) Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage
18. Carnal warfare
19. Christian Adornment
20. Church Discipline
21. Church Organization
22. Daniel’s 70 Weeks Prophecy
23. Feast Days and the Other Sabbaths
24. Fellowship
25. God the Father
26. Homosexuality and Lesbianism
27. Jesus Christ the Son
28. Leadership in the Church of God
29. Major differences between the Seventh Day Adventist and the Church of God Seventh Day
30. Marriage
31. Ministering to the Whole Person
32. New Heaven and Earth
33. Ordination
34. Our Mission
35. Pagan Days
36 Prayer for the Sick
37. Should Women wear pants?
38. Spiritual Gifts
39. State of the Dead
40. Stewardship
41. The Aged or the Golden Years
42. The Church and the Power of the Holy Spirit
43. The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ
44. The devil
45. The End of the ungodly
46. The Godhead
47. The Holy Spirit
48. The Importance of Sound Doctrine
49. The Ten Commandments
50. The Use of Jewelry
51. When Was Jesus Born?
52. Worldliness
53. Worship
NB. Copies of these lessons and our Doctrinal Beliefs Booklet could be obtained from our Church Address or email address.